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No Frills is a Canadian grocery store chain. When it comes to the Customer Experience… our local No Frills, “Tim & Sue’s No Frills” is Nice Frills!

This particular franchise is a perfect example that creating an Awesome Customer Experience can apply to all businesses.

The staff who stock the shelves and those in the produce department are obviously trained in customer service at this location. If you ask one of these workers where a certain product is, they will stop what they’re doing and personally walk you to the shelf where the item is located. All done with an “I’m happy to help you, you’re not putting me out” attitude.

That … is good customer service!

This helping attitude is consistent among all staff at this grocery store and is part of what makes it a joy to shop there.



  1. Do you include “Customer Experience Training” as part of your training for new hires?
  2. Can you have new employees shadow your top Customer Experience champion(s)? How about a mentorship program?